неделя, 20 ноември 2011 г.


Someday, I will be more, someday I will be better at life itself. Someday
I will be happy
      Someday I will have more. someday I will make my dreams come true, Someday
i will have the motivation to finish something...
      ooh, when will this day come?
      Someday, I will not remember sorrow, someday I will not remember dissapointment,
 Someday I will not know what pain was... Someday I will be far away from my past..

          Someday I will be everything I ever wanted and nothing I hated,
                    or just the opposite,
                          who knows....

In a winter wonderland...

The seasons change, autumn comes to an end. as the first snow heralds the birth of winter...

Snow drifts silently to the earth, mingled with magic and moonlight, and an enchanted kingdom begins to rise once again, deep in the ebonshire forest

The creatures of the forest emerge from their hidden sanctuary in the heart of the snow covered woodlands as the White Qeen sings her hypnotic lullaby....

Wellcome, enter an enchanted realm of wonders, dreams and memories, frozen in time, wellcome to the birth of winter...

                       -nox arcana-

And the dreamer will dream...

Of what color you will paint tomorrow
On the canvas hung today

For i am a dreamer who fears never living his dream

And what i wouldn’t give
For just one embrace
I picture it now
And melt away

Sad i cry

Is that the sunset that moved you to tears

The colors they strike you so deep
It has risen on me every day of my life
But could never set without you

You are on a ship that is sailing

As i yell from the dock, “come back”
For without the nerve to chance the storm
We can never sail into the sun

Sad i cry

I cry for my arms surround nothing

We only hold what we are
The dreamer will dream
The ship it will sail without him into
The sunset again

Sad i cry..


            -human drama-

петък, 8 юли 2011 г.

losses arent easy

If tears could build a stairway and memories were a lane
I would walk right up to Heaven to bring you home again..
No farewall words were spoken, no time to say goodbye..
My heart still aches in sadness and secret tears still flow..
What meant to lose you - no one will ever know..

Things, going hand in hand....

He is not a happy man, but for that he is something extremely rare.... He is a good man. Good, but with no luck.... Astonishing, how often these things go hand in hand
(lack of happiness & luck with being a good person)

понеделник, 21 февруари 2011 г.

yuki onna

English version- bellow

Юки онна - 雪女

Буквално се превежда като „снежна жена „ и представлява дух или йокай от японския фолклор .Често бива бъркана за планинска вещица ,но двете същества нямат общи черти .Юки онна се появява като красива жена с дълга коса в някоя снежна нощ .Кожата и е бледа или в някои случаи прозрачна ,което я кара да се слива с пейзажа наоколо .Често е облечена в бяло кимоно ,но според други легенди тя е срещана гола в снега .Въпреки своята красота ,очите и могат да предизвикат страх и ужас у сърцето на някой смъртен .Интересно е че не оставя стъпки по снега , и някъде дори се твърди че не притежава крака ,като повечето японски духове .Ако бъде заплашена може да се превърне в облак ,мъгла или купчина сняг .
Юки онна се свързва със студа ,снега и бурите .Някъде се вярва че тя е дух на някой ,изгубил се в планината из загинал от студ .Тя е едновременно красива и безскрупулна ,убивайки неподозиращи хора .Пътници ,изгубили се в планината често са описвани как се превръщат в замръзнали тела от нейния леден дъх .Друг път държи дете на ръце .Ако някой преднамерено и отнеме детето то тя замръзва на място …
Родители,търсещи децата си са податливи на такова действие .В други легенди тя се описва като по-агресивна .Напада къщи , избутва вратите им с ураганен вятър или убива хората в съня им .
Иначе има случаи, в които се описва как тя се смилява над някои поради различни причини .Например пуска момче заради красотата и младостта му .Тя обаче го кара да обещае никога да не споменава за нея и много по-късно когато момчето е вече съпруг ,той разкрива тайната пред жена си .Оказва се обаче че това е същата юки онна ,и този път го пощадява заради децата ,които е родила от него ,но го предупреждава че ако ги заплаши по някакъв начин ще се завърне с цялата си унищожителна сила .Има разбира се и една тъжна легенда в която юки онна се стопява като сняг ,когато мъжа и я разкрива неволно .

Until the 18th century, Yuki-onna was almost uniformly portrayed as evil. Today, however, stories often color her as more human, emphasizing her ghostlike nature and ephemeral beauty.

Although she is often thought to come out during snowstorms or during a full moon, in some regions the snow woman is said to make her appearance on a fixed date. In Iwate Prefecture's Tono area she appears on koshogatsu (January 15th), and in Aomori Prefecture's Nishitsugaru District she shows up on New Year's Day and leaves on the first day of February.

In many stories, Yuki-onna reveals herself to travelers who find themselves trapped in snowstorms and uses her icy breath to leave them as frost-coated corpses. She will appear as a stunningly beautiful young woman to young men and freeze them to death with her kiss, turning him into a block of ice. Other legends say that she leads them astray so they simply die of exposure. Other times, she manifests holding a child. When a well-intentioned soul takes the "child" from her, he or she is frozen in place. Parents searching for lost children are particularly susceptible to this tactic. Other legends make Yuki-onna much more aggressive. In these stories, she often physically invades people's homes, blowing in the door with a gust of wind, to kill them while they sleep (though some legends require her to be invited inside first). Other yuki-onna are even more menacing; the snow woman of Niigata Prefecture causes people to freeze to death and tears the livers out of living children, in Iwate and Miyagi she can pull out your soul, and in Ibaraki she calls out to passers-by and pushes them into ravines if she is ignored. In Aomori she takes on the character of the mother ghost called ubume, harassing people into holding her child, which then becomes so large as to crush the bearer.

Like the snow and winter weather she represents, Yuki-onna has a softer side. She sometimes lets would-be victims go for various reasons. In one popular Yuki-onna legend, for example, she sets a young boy free due to his beauty and age. She makes him promise to never mention her again, though, and when he relates the story to his wife much later in life, his wife reveals herself to be none other than the snow woman. She reviles him for breaking his promise but spares him yet again, this time out of concern for the children she has born him (but if he dares mistreat their children, she will return with no mercy. Luckily for him, he is already a loving father). In a similar legend, Yuki-onna melts away once her husband discovers her true nature.
Yuki-onna as illustrated by Toriyama Sekien.

soulmate for the souless...

I turned around,
an unblinking unfeeling viper.

How can you make me feel?
How did you accomplish,
what no one else has?

Why did I?
So long ago.
You are gone,
there is no soulmate for the soulless.

imagine. all...